For those of you other Knuckle Draggers out there, here is the amazingly patronizing and ignorant rant by Clancy Dubos, which inspired this post.

“Now, Gov. Bobby Jindal and some lawmakers are sheepishly retreating from that bold step, because a vocal minority of educational knuckle-draggers is making noise about a federal takeover of local education” Clancy Dubos

  1. I believe that just because 46 states were bribed into accepting a set of “Standards” with many millions of dollars in incentives before they had ever seen them, this is not a reason to adopt them. I also do not jump off of bridges just because everyone else does. This makes me a knuckle dragger.
  2. I think elementary and secondary educators; child psychologists and developmental specialists; (not Governors, private companies hoping to reap large profits off them and liberal and conservative think-tanks) should have been involved in drafting and approving the standards. This makes me a knuckle dragger.
  3. I believe the cost of the tests, like PARCC, that must be used to test these standards and which are 3 to 4 times as expensive as our current tests is an improper diversion of school resources, resources that are not being offset by our governor; resources which come out of school budgets and educational supplies and numbers of teachers districts can employ. This makes me a Clancy Dubois knuckle dragger.
  4. I believe our children’s data should be protected and don’t want my children’s data like SSN, discipline data, phone number, home address, photos, medical history, grades, test scores, religious background, absences, to be shared with potential employers, credit agencies, insurers, or pedophiles and criminal for the rest of their lives. Because I want to protect my children, this makes me a knuckle dragger.
  5. I believe the CCSS were not properly defined or explained to parents, which is causing a lot of confusion and fear. Many parents are finding themselves unable to help their children with the coursework they never experienced themselves, which cuts them out of the loop in terms of helping their children. This makes me a knuckle dragger.
  6. I believe the standards, if we were going to adopt them, should have been phased in slowly, not rushed for all grades all at the same time to prevent anyone from understanding them, debating them or evaluating them. These standards build upon previous skills a student is expected to have learned the prior year, but when you introduce these to 12th graders, that means 12 years of foundational learning (including K) has not taken place. (Here’s a prop, now go build a plane and fly it around the world) Students in higher grades that have these standards and expectations thrust upon them suddenly are often times lost and confused, depressed and angry at school and lose their joy of learning and a shot at a productive life. Because I think kids should be properly prepared and reasonable expectations should be set that can be met, I am a knuckle dragger.
  7. I believe that local control was usurped by unelected corporations and foundations, like Gates, who underwrote much of the process. Gates made his fortune by dropping out of college, tricking another person to sell him their software so he could resell it as his own. He then proceeded to build a monopolistic empire that bought up or imitated other’s ideas, using his wealth and influence to crush competitors and stifle innovation. Microsoft routinely hires low cost tech workers from overseas instead of hiring a surplus of capable out-of-work Americans who could do the same jobs or better, but at a higher cost. Gates and the Walton Foundation, run by the Walmart family which also funded CCSS and education reforms, have a vested interest in dumbing down education, and training an even larger surplus of American workers to drive down salaries and people who would be capable of innovating or competing with them. Perhaps this makes me a conspiracy theorist . . .but it also makes me a knuckle dragger, albeit a very sophisticated one.
  8. I believe local control is not having the Federal government dangle funds to states that adopt CCSS sight unseen as a requirement to apply for a pot of reallocated money in the form of Race to the Top grants. I also believe making CCSS a condition of easing of NCLB (No Child Left Behind) legislation is also a federal instruction into our schools, curriculum, and local control. Knuckle dragger supreme!
  9. I believe the NGA, the National Governor’s Association, is not a local elected school board. I do not believe any of the other 30 or 40 governors from other states that took part in this were elected by anyone from Louisiana. Because I do not see this as local control, I am a knuckle dragger.
  10. I believe I understand what the word “curriculum” means, and people that say CCSS is not a curriculum are not making their case more credible my lying to those of us who haven’t taken CCSS and can still read. From Wikipedia:

    For many authorities, in formal education, a curriculum is the planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives.

    Other definitions combine various elements to describe curriculum as follows:

  • Outlines the skills, performances, attitudes, and values pupils are expected to learn from schooling. It includes statements of desired pupil outcomes, descriptions of materials, and the planned sequence that will be used to help pupils attain the outcomes.
  • The total learning experience provided by a school. It includes the content of courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects, like norms and values, which relate to the way the school is organized.
  • The aggregate of courses of study given in a learning environment. The courses are arranged in a sequence to make learning a subject easier. In schools, a curriculum spans several grades.

Note: Non-Knuckle draggers are apparently illiterate, lazy, or in denial.

  1. I believe before a new curriculum or CCSS should be effectively mandated and pronounced as superior to what we have, some amount of study, or feedback based on actual implementation should have taken place. Because I don’t think people should just pull this out of their ass, and make everyone eat it, I am a knuckle dragger.
  2. I believe that if the intent of these tests was really to improve student performance, they would be given at the beginning or middle of the school year, not the end when the teacher won’t get the results and cannot use them to address individual student deficiencies. I am a knuckle dragger.
  3. I believe these standards were not properly explained to teachers, and no standards or vetting is in place to determine what material is truly CCSS, and what is just impersonating as it, as may have happened in Vermillion recently. The collaboration part behind CCSS is the ability to share worksheets freely across states, directly teacher to teacher. Because I see problems with not properly preparing teachers and not having a way to vet material, I am a knuckle dragger.
  4. I believe the purpose of CCSS is to intentionally drive down school scores to expand the number of schools we can grade as C, D or F, to make more students eligible for vouchers in schools with no standards, certified teachers, or in some cases teachers or even school buildings. Because I see increasing standards for public schools while have zero standards for non-public schools that accept state funding, I am a knuckle dragger.
  5. I believe the purpose of CCSS is to lower SPS scores to make more schools eligible to be taken over by RSD. RSD is run by the state, and no RSD school has ever returned. RSD is a state takeover of education. Because I believe RSD is not local control, and don’t want my local schools taken over by the nightmare that is RSD, I am a knuckle dragger.
  6. I believe the purpose of CCSS is to drive down tests scores to make the case for more charter schools. Charter schools take public funding, but do not allow the public access to most of their records, do not have to follow much of the laws and regulations public schools do (including certified teachers) and charter schools change hands so often no one can keep track of who is in charge or who should be held accountable for poor performance. I do not believe charter schools are public schools. Scores influenced by an intentionally poorly planned and promoted adoption of CCSS will enable more charters to infiltrate the market and provide substandard educations to the students they keep and drive out many students they don’t want, I am a knuckle dragger.
  7. I believe John White lied repeatedly to BESE, newspapers, and the public about Louisiana’s contract with inBloom, which allowed that company to sell our student’s data to any company it saw fit for any reason. John White also sent student SSN numbers to inBloom even though he was told repeatedly not to by the Vendor, and when questioned he denied this. John white did this knowing full well an alternative student identifier existed, called a GUID, existed instead. He chose not to send this, and instead endangered our children. Because I do not trust him or DOE to handle this data responsibly I am a knuckle dragger.
  8. I believe FERPA has been redefined by corporate lobbyists to allow larger corporations that obtain data the right to share and sell that data to anyone they want without any right for parents to opt out. Because I do not trust my children’s data with John White and DOE or these vendors, I am a knuckle dragger.
  9. I believe Louisiana does not have a student privacy law in place, but one could be put in place very easily. (One with significant defined penalties for violations) I believe the administration is fighting this because their campaign donors, and future campaign donors, do not want this to happen – because they want to profit off the sale of our children’s private data. Because I think we should have a privacy law that limits what can be shared, how long it can be stored, when it must be destroyed, includes opt out policies and method to anonymize data, I am a knuckle dragger.
  10. I believe I have not been sold on any benefits to adopting CCSS, and do not believe our elected officials that adopted them understand them themselves. Because my elected officials cannot explain why these standards are so much better except to tell us everyone else is doing it or that we need to compete in an international marketplace (without showing how these standards accomplish that), I am a knuckle dragger.

Are there any other knuckle draggers out there, or am I alone?

29 thoughts on “Top 20 Reasons Clancy Dubos Thinks I’m an “educational knuckle dragger”

  1. I totally agree! I sent an irate letter back to wherever it was we were supposed to blasting his ignorance. I would rather be a knuckle-dragger than someone with their heads in the sand!

    1. When I read his remarks i felt his head was somewhere dark, dank and yucky, but sand wasn’t what came to mind.  Thanks for commenting!

      Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T

  2. I am against common core and wrote WWLTV an email in regards to Mr Dubos editorial. He responded with this email:

    Thanks for writing. Let me say at the outset that I was totally wrong to use the term “knuckle dragger.” I’m a knuckle-head for doing that. Anything that anyone wants to say about me for using that comment is welcome; I deserve it for name-calling. It was a moment of weakness that I genuinely regret.

    That said, I base my support for Common Core largely on personal experience as a board member of a local Catholic high school (for almost two decades) and on the research done by the Council for A Better Louisiana (CABL), which is an independent reform group in Louisiana that has been around for more than 50 years. CABL’s membership and leadership are primarily conservative business people — not left-wingers or ideologues — and the organization has a long history of pushing for real reform in the education arena. CABL is well known and well respected for taking thoughtful positions after meticulous research. I trust CABL for that reason. I have seen CABL’s work up close for 3 decades. You do not have to trust CABL, of course, but if you choose to believe someone else, I hope it would be an outfit with a longstanding reputation for political independence (neither Democrat nor Republican) and thorough, objective research. Again, CABL consists mostly of business folks, the very folks who want to hire our children someday and give them good jobs. For more on CABL’s research into Common Core, check out their position at I’m sure the folks at CABL would welcome your phone call or email as well. You can reach CABL at (225) 344-2225 or FAX them at (225) 338-9470 or email them at

    Right now, the fight appears to be in Catholic Schools, which have adopted Common Core standards for math. That’s a decision of the archdiocese. I was educated in Catholic schools myself, and so were my two sons. I think a big part of the problem here is that things are changing, and change is never easy. When I was kid in Catholic School, there was an uproar about “modern math.” Thankfully, I had a wonderful math teacher in 6th grade (Mrs. Aucoin) who calmly assured us that there was nothing really “new” about all this, and she walked us through it. I guess what I’m saying is that, whatever our standards are, it all comes down to the good teachers who know how to reach children. (BTW, math was always my worst subject, which is ironic because as a business owner I have to read balance sheets often.)

    There are no doubt many valid reasons to support or oppose Common Core, and I am hearing a lot from Catholic School parents who want their legislators to do something about it. Many do not realize, apparently, that legislators have no authority over archdiocesan schools when it comes to such matters. I think there’s a lot of political hysteria out there, but facts are immutable. The facts are that Common Core was developed by the nation’s governors (most of whom are Republicans) and education superintendents, not by Washington, Congress or President Obama. It was and still is a state-led initiative, and it is voluntary. Forty-five states have chosen to participate so far. Each state sets its own curricula, uses its own tests, and can tweak Common Core as much as it wants. States can even “opt out” if they want. What should not be lost in all this is the fact that U.S. children are falling behind kids of other nations. We must raise the bar — even many opponents of Common Core agree with this.

    I think many supporters of Common Core have done a poor job of communicating what Common Core really is, and perhaps the archdiocese has not done enough to assure parents that it will teach their kids at the appropriate levels and in appropriate manners. If this is the case, parents should make their case with Catholic school principals and with the administration at the archdiocesan level.

    As for public schools, CABL suggests taking it slow, which is always good advice when changes are being made. In fact, Common Core testing is not yet implemented in public schools. That’s scheduled for next year — and I’m sure there will be lots of fireworks when that happens … if it happens.


    Clancy DuBos

    1. He needs to make this a public apology. It still won’t get him.into the cool knuckle dragger club, but at least fewer people will see him as an ignorant tool. I’m “crazy” so I can insult whomever I want, and besides, I’m not talking about a whole class of people I’ve never met and have never tried to communicate with before insulting them out of hand in a public forum from my work. In public. Publicly. Like forever. I would be concerned about my job, and people egging my car,hiding their children from me as they quickly cross the street to avoid me, and spitting in my general direction, if I were Mr. Dubois.

    2. So he thinks the resistance is due to a lack of communication? On who’s part? Or was it a resistance to communication? I’m not sure what to make of common core. I’m put off by the lack of any meaningful discussion, especially now that it’s been hijacked by political ideologues. I’d love to see some sort of chart or description showing how these standards are different than the others. Show us the data on how theses standards are proven to be more effective…better if you will. And since when has education been reduced to job training? You mean for the past 237 years American schools produced no workers? No college graduates? That’s odd. We now have more college graduates than ever before. Where’d they come from? I know we’re a nation of immigrants, but are they still coming in that great a number to fill our jobs and colleges? I having flashbacks…”Syntax Error”

  3. Clancy needs to be educated on who did truly create and finance CCSS. I thought he was smarter than this and as a sort of journalist he should be doing his research. You can tell when someone is just repeating what he thinks are the facts rather than seeking out the true story.

    Do some “deep reading” Clancy, then come back with another opinion piece. Or should we just quote David Coleman and say, “No one gives a sh** what you think.” Or is that statement just for some people- the underclass perhaps?

    1. These points are ones made to me which i have no defense for.  I was a CCSS fence sitter for a long while because i just didnt know anything about it, and it sounded good in theory.  I understand the theoretical pluses (which more closely resemble propaganda than anything substantive) but when compared to reality they don’t stand up to any degree of thoughtful scrutiny.  

  4. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo……..Your list is EXACTLY how so many of of us feel. PREACH ON!

    For Mr. Dubois to basically state that common core is good because our math standards need to be more rigorous is in one word, ludicrous. I’d like Mr. Dubois to comment on this aspect of common core. At East Ascension High School in Gonzales, ninth grade honor students were assigned a book to read titled, “Breaking Alaska.” In it there are graphic, to the point of being pornographic (I am in no way, shape or form exaggerating) quotes that describe oral sex. Now, of course, this book will probably never be assigned at the Catholic school Mr. Dubois refers to in his email. However, the overwhelming vast majority of children who will endure common core are in public schools and face no protection and will have their innocence stripped away. Here’s a link to the reading list: Here’s a link to the text of the book (warning, it could very well disturb even adults, it did me)

    1. I tried to read through the link you provided, I got bored and never got to anything offensive. I’m not being judge mental, but what types of movies do you allow your teenager to watch? Have you read the book or just excerpts? Why are they reading and studying this book? I am more concerned with what is expected to be learned from this book than the language contained. Then, once I know what is being learned I’d wonder what other books would serve the same purpose. I’d circle back to why this book? I assure you, as a high school student, they’re not as innocent as we’d wish to imagine.

      Good luck though and thanks for being involved with your kid. Keep worrying, keep asking, keep challenging.

      1. Since I was questioned about whether I was being naive, I wanted to post the direct quotes from the book, “Looking for Alaska” that I referred to. Maybe I am being naive, but, in my opinion, only a pedohile would think it’s okay to discuss these kinds of things with a 14 year old CHILD. I have not personally read the book, but my niece, whose mom has taught her that chastity is a virtue did. I researched it myself because I love my niece and because my daughter will be going to this school in two years. Just because other parents might think it’s fine for kids to read this kind of junk, what about the rights of those of us who do not? I know for a fact that I am not alone in feeling this way. Finding the offensive quotes took really no effort. I simply had to do an edit/find search using the term, “Blow Job.” I’m sorry in advance for offending anyone:

        ” We walked to the TV room together, and I locked the door. We were watching The Brady Bunch,……. Just as the Bradys were getting locked in jail, Lara randomly asked me, “Have you ever gotten a blow job?””Urn, that’s out of the blue,” I said. “The blue?” “Like, you know, out of left field.” “Left field?” “Like, in baseball. Like, out of nowhere. I mean, what made you think of that?” “I’ve just never geeven one,” she answered, her little voice dripping with seductiveness. It was so brazen. I thought I would explode. I never thought. I mean, from Alaska, hearing that stuff was one thing. But to hear hers sweet little Romanian voice go so sexy all of the sudden… “No,” I said. “I never have.” “Think it would be fun?”
        DO I!?!?!?!?!?!?!”Urn. yeah. I mean, you don’t have to.” “I think I want to,” she said, and we kissed a little. And then with me sitting watching Brady Bunch, watching Marcia Marcia Marcia up to her Brady antics, Lara unbuttoned my pants and pulled my boxers
        down a little and pulled out my penis.”Wow,” she said. “What?” She looked up at me, but didn’t move, her face nanometers away from my penis. “It’s weird.” “What do you mean weird?” “Just beeg, I guess.” I could live with that kind of weird. And then she wrapped her hand around it and put it into her mouth. And waited. We were both very still. She did not move a muscle in her body, and I did not move a muscle in mine. I knew that at this point something else was supposed to happen, but I wasn’t quite sure what. She stayed still. I could feel her nervous breath. For minutes, for as long as it took the Bradys to steal the key and unlock themselves from the ghost-town jail, she lay there, stock-still with my penis in her mouth, and I sat there, waiting. And then she took it out of her mouth and looked up at me quizzically. “Should I do sometheeng?” “Urn. I don’t know,” I said. Everything I’d learned from watching porn with Alaska suddenly exited my brain. I thought maybe she should move her head up and down, but wouldn’t that choke her? So I just stayed quiet. “Should I, like, bite?” “Don’t bite! I mean, I don’t think. I think—I mean, that felt good. That was nice. I don’t know if there’s something else.” “I mean, you deedn’t—” “Urn. Maybe we should ask Alaska.”
        So we went to her room and asked Alaska. She laughed and laughed. Sitting on her bed, she laughed until she cried. She walked into the bathroom, returned with a tube of toothpaste, and showed us. In detail. Never have I so wanted to be Crest Complete.
        Lara and I went back to her room, where she did exactly what Alaska told her to do, and I did exactly what Alaska said I would do, which was die a hundred little ecstatic deaths, my fists clenched, my body shaking. It was my first orgasm with a girl, and afterward, I was embarrassed and nervous, and so, clearly, was Lara, who finally broke
        the silence by asking, “So, want to do some homework?”

        “When you’re old and gray and your grandchildren are sitting on your knee and
        look up at you and say, ‘Grandpappy, who gave you your first blow job?’ do you want to have to tell them it was some girl you spent the rest of high school ignoring?”

        1. Oh, and the essay question that the kids were assigned for this book, “what part of the book will you most remember?” Call me naive, but I think it’s downright wrong and disgusting for 14 year old CHILDREN to be writing essays on oral sex and I really question the morals/ethics of adults who think it’s good for them to do so. While many parents may allow their kids to watch a variety of things on television, I don’t know personally anyone who would openly say that they would be okay with their kids watching straight up porn, which is exactly what this text is.

      2. I apologize that I came across as calling you naieve. Not my intention. I’m sorry.

        No, I would not let my child read that either. Honestly, and I apologize for this, but every time someone screams about banning books I picture people up in arms about promotion of witchcraft in Harry Potter.

        What would they remember? That’s lazy. Duh, the Brady Bunch.

        1. Sorry if I was overly defensive. It’s hard not to be when it comes to this subject because I feel so defenseless. I called the school board last week and spoke to the director of middle schools. She told me that the teachers here in Ascension have recently been instructed that if they want to assign a book that parents might find inappropriate, they must issue a disclaimer with the assignment. I think it’s beyond disgusting that we as a society are actively trying to steal the innocence of our children. I mean really if a grown up outside of school would talk so graphically to my 14 year-old niece about oral sex like this book, she probably would call the police on him/her. And this is only one issue that I have with the core curriculum.

          My stress level is through the roof because of the insanity of the new curriculum. My daughter is a sixth-grade honor’s student who has earned all “A’s” since kindergarten and has made advanced scores on the LEAP test since she began taking it in 3rd grade. While she has been able to maintain her 4.0 g.p.a., she is literally working as much as my husband, an attorney, who commutes from Gonzales to New Orleans. They both wake up at 6:00 a.m. and when he returns at 8:00, she is still working. At least he has the benefit of a full hour for lunch and his long commute. She gets 10 minutes for recess. I often end up having to teach her material that the teachers were woefully unprepared to teach, which I, even as a college graduate, have never seen before. We are both overworked and exhausted. It’s gotten to the point where my husband and I are telling her not to worry about her grades because I don’t want her to waste these last precious years of childhood.

          Sorry for the long rant. When I get on a soapbox about this subject, it’s really hard to step down 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

          1. No offense taken. You have every right to be upset, and after re-reading my post I did sound kid of accusatory. Sometimes, it’s hard to convey intent (and sarcasm right Jason) through this medium. I wasn’t about to read through the 130+ pages you linked to. I was bored after the first few and never got to the graphic stuff. Is your soapbox large enough for two? Good luck, don’t give up.

  5. We knuckledraggers should unite? Perhaps we can institute knuckedragger sensitivity classes to make the other neanderthals hear our voice. We have figured out that there are more of us than there are of the enlightened few, numbers may eventually win this fight. I can’t wait to see their reaction then..I predict the hot thesis and dissertation topics in the not too distant future will be the detrimental effects of developmentally inappropriate instruction impairing later ability to learn basic skills. Think of Lorenz’s imprinted ducks and biological critical periods. We will mess up key developmental opportunities to teach what is appropriate, we won’t be able to go back and undo the damage.

  6. I have band aids on all my knuckles… no your not alone., there are 3 adults in my house all of us are knuckle draggers… Some one needs to take a poll..,first pole group wwould be politicians. First question would be explain the common core to your constituents.I do believe a comedian can make an entire show off those answers…knuckle draggers come in all shapes, sizes, colors and backgrounds…,

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