As of right now dozens and scores of parents and teachers are planning to attend next week’s BESE meeting to address the BESE council and to demand they put an end to Common Core in Louisiana. I had my reservations about publishing this update because in the past when I have notified BESE and John White about such rallies and events they have cancelled and moved meetings to avoid controversy, or White and company marshaled his own faux forces to counter the voices of real parents and Louisiana citizens.

If you are interested in talking to the organizers, taking part in the pre-meeting discussion, or wish to register your attendance as well as sign up for future events and meetings, check out this link: It is most important and effective to have a clear, concise, HARD hitting message that can be delivered in 3minutes. The law provides for public meetings to make their rules. As long as they follow the law they are within their rights.
2. Take every opportunity to speak. School bd offers 3 minutes at beginning if the meeting or 5 if you apply before noon Monday before the Thursday meeting. Then you can address each agenda item that fits your argument w 3more minutes.
3. BESE publishes their agenda several days in advance of the meeting. There are many, many agenda items that we could address. I speak to every single item that I can.. It is most important and effective to have a clear, concise, HARD hitting message that can be delivered in 3minutes. The law provides for public meetings to make their rules. As long as they follow the law they are within their rights.
2. Take every opportunity to speak. School bd offers 3 minutes at beginning if the meeting or 5 if you apply before noon Monday before the Thursday meeting. Then you can address each agenda item that fits your argument w 3more minutes.
3. BESE publishes their agenda several days in advance of the meeting. There are many, many agenda items that we could address. I speak to every single item that I can. 1. It is most important and effective to have a clear, concise, HARD hitting message that can be delivered in 3minutes. The law provides for public meetings to make their rules. As long as they follow the law they are within their rights.
2. Take every opportunity to speak. School bd offers 3 minutes at beginning if the meeting or 5 if you apply before noon Monday before the Thursday meeting. Then you can address each agenda item that fits your argument w 3more minutes.
3. BESE publishes their agenda several days in advance of the meeting. There are many, many agenda items that we could address. I speak to every single item that I can.

BESE holds their meetings in the Claiborne Building at 1201 North Third Street in Baton Rouge. The Rally is listed as 10:00 am, but I’ve been told there will folks their throughout the BESE session which is slated to take place on the 15th and 16th (Tuesday and Wednesday) next week. I have seen the folks running the meetings change the schedules at the last minute or change the specific covered issues throughout the day to keep opponents and parents off balance. If they know a lot of people are there to testify about something I have seen them try and wear people out by moving the relevant item further and further back on the schedule, and sometimes postponing it until another day. Be alert for this possibility and raise a ruckus if they try to pull this on you.

You can find information about past meetings and update to current and future meetings here:

This is a BYOP (Bring Your Own Pitchfork) event, although I hear torches may be handed out at the door.

I expect seating to be limited. Feel free to come early and meet up with other folks to coordinate before the meeting and plan to stay after to link up with allies. There is a decent cafeteria in the Claiborne building that serves breakfast, lunch and refreshments but I thin my anger will sustain me. J

4 thoughts on “Stop Common Core Curriculum Rally in Louisiana: at the October 15th BESE meeting

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